I agree that such a list would be useful, but it depends on the configuration options and it is not easy to create one automatically, to my knowledge (suggestions are welcome).
The list you have posted only includes the header files, it misses the library binaries and some other stuff.
If your configuration is reasonably standard, you could get the list of installed files using these commands:
sudo make install | tee install_output.tmp
cat install_output.tmp | grep $(which install) | awk '{print $(NF)}' | sed "s/^'\(.*\)'$/\1/" > installed_files.txt
You should then be able to read the list in the file
If you also want to see which symbolic links are created, type
cat install_output.tmp | grep "ln" and inspect the output.
Then, you may remove
On my Linux system these commands currently produce the following list (when I don't pass the option
—enable-install-man to